Death of a splinter leader
Robert Elliott, leader of the God's Church Worldwide, recently succumbed to his cancer illness. I am not sure of the time nor date of his passing but at this time I give my sympathies to his widow Micki and his daughters, Shawna and Tanya. Rob Elliott was my associate pastor in Toronto when I was boy from 11 to 14 (during the years from 1981 to 1984) during my stay in the Worldwide Church of God. Mr.Elliott was known as a bit of a hard-liner and "rough around the edges" but I had managed to be cordial with him. He held the major tenents of Armstrongism apparently to the end. He was displeasured with the WCG's move to orthodoxy in the early 1990's and equally (if not more) displeasured with the church's imposition of New Covenant Theology which eventually led him to start his own group based in Florida. His own story is at his website at . My wish for the remaining members of his group that they will re-read scripture and discover the liberating gospel of grace which promotes the freedom in Christ, not freedom away from Christ and to know the precise difference.
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