Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Congratulations to Gary Moore

I have always considered Worldwide Church of God's National Director in Canada, Gary Moore, one of the good guys. My mom told me the story that as a young mother when she had my brother Rob, Gary at church was kind enough to lift my brother and help my mom with her belongings that entailed young motherhood. Meeting Gary Moore in person shows he is a pleasant and very charming personality. He is a people person in every sense of the word. A tragic turn of events happened to him when his wife Tamara battled breast cancer and eventually succumbed to her disease in July 2004. Now I have heard that one of the "good guys" has finally caught a lucky break. A friend told me that it has been announced in his congregation that Gary Moore will re-marry a woman from South Africa (my buddy forgot the name but if I find out I will post it) and on top that will be involved in a ministerial training program in the same country. Best wishes Gary, may you go (and will) very, very far!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Thoughts on yesterday's post

As I started advertising my blog to certain other blogs like XCG and the Painful Truth message board, one particular gentlemen by the pseudonym of BykerBob took a great liking to my article rebuking the religiously fanatical David Ben Ariel and his racist attitudes. He had his own thoughts and welcomed me to share them on here. Usually, it is common policy on the Plain Truth message board to have what is said on there stays on there but there are exceptions to the rule.
Good job, Felix. David "bent" Arial is a stellar example of everything which was wrong about the old school WCG.
To understand the whole phenomenon, you have to take a look at another failed philosophy, namely communism. How many times has this been tried and resulted in abyssimal failure? And, the reason it has failed is not because the attempts had flawed leaders. It failed because communism works against the basic drives of human beings! Therefore, dictatorial level power had to be used to enforce it.
HWA made no bones about the fact that the tenets of WCG were polar opposites to the normal motivations of humans. But, supposedly, the Holy Spirit was the ingredient which was going to make practicing such tenets both possible and palatable. We never did see the types of evidence described in the Bible as accompanying the presence of the Holy Spirit, so, as with communism, we are left with the need for totalitarian enforcement by those governing (the ministers, deacons, and such.)
When practiced en masse, the tenets of Armstrongism naturally produce the so-called cultic behavior which all seem to have found objectionable in the WCG. It seems that one can practice this system in ones home safely, and possibly even feel love for others, but the minute you make an organized religion out of it, very toxic by-products are automatically produced, just as with communism.
In the specific case of racism, any time you have a group of people who are favored, and referred to as "the chosen ones", the natural by-product is that people begin to look at those who are supposedly not chosen as being "less than". Further, they establish a Gerald Waterhouse-like pecking order, based on pulling generalized scriptures out of context. If an ignorant person reads about the curse of Canaan, or the mark of Cain, he will probably use it as an excuse for mistreating the people whom he considers to be descenced from these two biblical characters. This is why DbA feels no qualms about idolizing the Jews to the point where he actually takes a Jewish name, yet begrudges the smallest recognition for Martin Luther King! It's all part of the natural sickness which occurs when one practices the religion to the extreme point of fanaticism encouraged by HWA and falsely labeled Philadelphian (brotherly love?)...
[Y]ou might consider a higher level of award for some of the more egregious figures of COGdom, in fact, a gesture which I refer to as "the double bird" (two fisted flippoff)!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another middle finger this time for David Ben Ariel for his insensitivity towards MLK Day and black people in general

As African American conservative columnist Bob Parks says, "thank God for middle fingers" and I am just going to give a middle finger to David Ben Ariel, a man who off-shooted from Gerald Flurry's Jonestown wannabe cult the Philedelphia Church of God. What did this man did to put excrement on my beloved Raisin Bran? Well on the XCG blog by Gary Scott, Gary gave link to this man's website discussing his opposition to Martin Luther King Day in the United States. I was disgusted and was flamed. I had to agree with Gary Scott's assertion that Armstrongism and racism go hand and hand like ham and eggs. If Kanye West wanted to shout out that somebody doesn't care about black people, it is David Ben-Ariel ---not U.S. President George W. Bush! Kanye and other people who want to spit out and even vomit it out the excrement that DBA put in our lovely Raisin Bran cereal, look at the madness that this man has written:
I had a letter published in The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) and sent to President Reagan, pleading with him not to commit the folly of creating any foolish "Martin Luther King Day." Our fellow black Americans, generally speaking, still hated President Reagan after the fact and still don't practice the good things (there were some good things) King preached.
First Dave, you plead with Reagan not to proceed with the King holiday and then you rail blacks for not following the "good" things Dr. King preached. Which is it, either King was bad and not worth remembering or he had some "good" things taught worth remembering. You cannot demand it both ways. Wait! You are an Armstrongite, you must have it both ways!
If we're to be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin, why continue to demand quotas and curves and tolerate such racist organizations as the NAACP?
Somebody needs to tell this person has he ever heard of black Republicans and conservatives who like to do away with quotas and affirmative action? Myself, a black Canadian who is a centre-right in my political thinking (and damn proud of my efforts, be it small of returning a Conservative government in power led by Prime Minister Stephen Joseph Harper) do approve of a limited use of affirmative action to curb "systematic racism" in corporate (and other) institutions (and let us not pretend there isn't any in 2006 because you are living in a irresponsible dreamworld if you believe otherwise) but I have no use for bureaucratic quotas that really don't help anyone. Also, has anyone told DBA that some African Americans are questioning the purpose, tactics and ideology of the NAACP? He needs to read this blog article . Get with it man!
Why doesn't somebody do a documentary on those humble folk marching back then (with their useful idiot whites, too many liberal Jews) with a split screen exposing "niggas with attitude" (a black phrase), the rampant crime, outrageous rates of illegitimacy, unemployment by choice, gangs, welfare projects, black on black violence (not to mention assault on others), the "menace to society" mentality (another black phrase, thanks to excellent director Spike Lee), disproportionate black prison population and the verbal lynching concerned blacks suffer mercilessly when they dare speak out against such inexcusable poverty of the spirit and moral degradation, slavery to sin and self-destruction?
Again brother you are being contradictory again! You want a documentary comparing the civil rights movement and the negative conditions of blacks today but you condemn the "useful idiot whites" and "too many liberal Jews" under the same breath. I applaud the Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement anyday where most evangelical Christians (and I have to stress "most") sat on their hands and did nothing virtually nothing! Two Jewish civil rights workers who volunteered their time and energy, of college age, got killed in Mississippi by some racist thugs (who involved the police)--- you know that incident which inspired the movie of Mississippi Burning. I don't think you understand WHY there was a civil rights movement in the first place. It's not because "the niggers got uppity" (sorry Oprah but I am demonstrating a point)! Yes, I will mention "400 years" of black treatment in America and if you think I'm laying a guilt trip, puhleaase!!! Just read about slavery---the whippings, the beatings, the raping of black women for pleasure, so and so on. If you have not shed a tear, I am afraid you are NOT human but a monster who needs restraint and I prefer George Bush to do the restraining (and on this point I am NOT joking).
It is appropriate on this black holiday (and that's what it amounts to, in all honesty), to consider this issue of race from a biblical perspective that those horribly brainwashed by the politically correct cult hate with a passion and rage against in vile anarchist fashion, drowning out any reason and voice other than their own.Regardless, this biblical truth must be shared, must be made known, while we still have the freedom to exercise our God-given rights of speech and religion.
In other words you are wishing that we all just go back to Jim Crow, it was better for blacks then because they just knew their place. C'mon admit it, I am not going to bite. I just like a little honesty here. Not only you want your freedom to proclaim your racist fantasies but have a tax-emempt status as well. I don't have a problem with anyone believing in the modern identity of Israel (and by the way, I do have Yair Davidy's book The Tribes given to by a friend---surprise!) as long as feelings of pride and superiority are absent. The Jews do it best with their belief in being "the Chosen". They understand that line in the movie Spider Man that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Armstrongite British Israelites in contrast --- stink and fail the test. Their attitude is, "We're Israelites, so we conquest anyone or anything at our disposal." Can anyone tell me how this reconcille with the teachings of Jesus Christ on being humbling, being a servant, giving yourself away,etc.? Wait! That is sooo boring and unsexy! Growing up in the Worldwide Church of God, I had to face some of those "proud" attitudes. I remember an associate pastor predicted that blacks were going to rise up agaist whites in the U.S. in the years to come. Well, yes there was L.A. riots in '92 but it didn't lead to a total uprising against Caucassians in the years after. I am hoping that in 2012 (20 years after the riots), race relations in the U.S. and Canada will get better just to prove you negaholics wrong and by the way, this also includes racial junkies like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who see racism in any or everything!
There is a perspective on race and it starts in Genesis, not your interpretation in chapter 10 of eternally ordered segregation but in Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him..." This the black man, the white man, the brown man, the yellow man and the red man: made in God's image. Various races in God's image. On planet earth. I'm not making this up. Anything else deserves to be on Showtime's Penn and Teller's Bulls--t.
P.S., Mrs.King is buried (after a long, traditional black funeral). DBA, say anything bad about her, there will be a sequel to this post. I guarantee it.
