More Joe Jr. bashing???
I'd rather say it is all about defending the public trust. Not only it should be preserved and strived for in media, academia, politics---also religion and spirituality (though some zealously and fanatically believe otherwise). Despite his ardent defenders, WCG Pastor General Joseph Tkach Jr. has violated the public trust. Some will scream and argue childishly that I glee over Joe Jr.'s failures. This is simply emotively false to say the least. May I add this is only the tip of the iceberg of the tactics of some who want my submission to their "positive" view of Joe Jr. not respect (and they are two astronomically different things) I do not have patience for anybody who says one thing Sunday and another thing Tuesday and another thing Friday. I do not have patience for anybody who mentality knows no compromise in the sense that they are totally right and everyone else is totally wrong. Belittling and condescending people in general is in the books of Felix Taylor a cardinal sin. To quote Dixie Chick's Natalie Mainse lyrics "I am not ready to play nice". Hell with the "niceness police" and their tactics. They can call me "mean-spirited, unloving, unforgiving" or anyother unflattering attitudes, I am just gonna do what CNN's Anderson Cooper does (and does a damn good job at it), "Keepin' them honest." Anyone has a problem with that, that is fine by me as long as they know it is that "they" are the problem.
Whew!!!!! I got that off my chest but I am not finished the least. I really don't like bullies whether religious or anyother kind. I just want to link you up to a recent article in the Exit and Support site where an ex-WCG member wrote a letter to Joe Jr. early in 2001 with no reply. Also ESN questions why Joe Jr. got an Alamo Award in the late '90's. Read both articles and decide for yourself why there is a controversy in the public trust when dealing with Joseph Tkach Jr. at and
As a governmental employee, I am very much concerned about public trust, matters of ethics and the legality of conduct. From early on and for more than a decade, I had concluded that certainly the crew over at the WCG hadn't even begun to know right from wrong. All they seem to know is religious buzzwords. My suspicious has been growing until I read "Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work" by Dr. Robert Hare and Dr. Paul Babiak. It is a good investment to buy the book, read it and keep it handy for anyone who has ever darkened the door of the WCG. Within its pages, you will find the behavior of the WCG administrators past and present in three acts: Assessment, Manipulation and Abandonment. The WCG is currently going through the Abandonment phase of the Church Corporate Psychopath.
Although it is a different venue, it is still the same thing under the covers so to speak, to speak of yet another church of gods gone awry, leaving Christianity way, way behind in the dust, in the interest of power, prestige and prophet in a little short at:
It may seem nonsequitor, but it's all the same thing. Enjoy.
Posted by
Douglas Becker |
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Uhhhhh -- have a nice day?!?!?!
Posted by
Richard |
Saturday, June 03, 2006
So the posting fizzled for you for quite understandable reasons.
Perhaps Definitions would be more suited to your liking:
Posted by
Douglas Becker |
Saturday, June 03, 2006