Bad news for Armstrongites, the third coming of the Painful Truth!
The Painful Truth is back! Thank God Almighty! When you thought they will fade and go away, sweet dreaming. Pyscopaths and conmen of Armstrongism, the fight is JUST beginning and you will lose because the light will always triumph over darkness. Those who you have trapped in your cult, will have access to information that will release them from the bondage you bind them. The Revolution will not be televised but it sure will internet-ised. Viva la revolucion!
Here is the new site and may it stay for a looonng time!
I'm glad they're baaaaaaaack!! I hope they stay on this time.
Posted by
Harry |
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Right on brother!
Posted by
Felix Taylor, Jr. |
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Some sloppy swill (for the most part) from "FYI Again" (I don't blame him for not wanting to reveal his true identity) :
Dear Mr. Hoover,
No doubt there are many things we could agree on. Obviously, "John Paul II" was no saint. Obviously "Palestine" is a fictional "nation" and there's really no such thing as a "Palestinian". Obviously the Catholic Church is not really interested in "world peace", because the only way to true world peace is the Kingdom of God, which will put a final end to their abominable system.
To the degree that you follow and/or teach basic Church of God doctrine and prophetic understanding, we are on the same page.
I've encountered you on various web forums in the past. I've also occasionally checked out your web site(s) over the past six or seven years. I've read some of the things you've written. My conclusion is that you are badly infected with some of Gerald Flurry's bizarre interpretations of prophecy, to say nothing of his intense megalomania.
Like him, you seem to want to see yourself in prophecy. Well, rest assured, you *ARE* in prophecy. Jesus predicted that many false prophets (and false Christ's) would come and would deceive many. You are clearly one of them, although not a particularly good one.
Gerald Flurry is a "good" false prophet and false Christ in that he has deceived thousands who once were (and no doubt some still are) led by God's Holy Spirit. You on the other hand are clearly not as skilled a false prophet as he is. I can't imagine that any more than a handful of gullible, blind, naked and miserable wretches would be fooled by the snake oil you are selling.
Nevertheless, you are serving your master's purpose by adding to the general spiritual "noise" level in this age. I advise you to consider giving up your grand delusions and your "ministry" (such as it is) and returning to the full, undiluted, uncompromised truth. Seek it and you'll no doubt find it. To do otherwise will surely lead to a bad end.
FYI (Again)
Posted by
David Ben-Ariel |
Friday, July 21, 2006
I support FYI Again. He is a man with a heart of gold. Something that you wouldn't understand.
Posted by
Felix Taylor, Jr. |
Friday, July 21, 2006