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Intelligent quote of the day

You wrote: "I just wish some would live and let live and let it be. So simple but I know for some it is asking a lot. I say if one prefers worshipping on seventh-day, leave him alone. Sunday, leave him alone. No day, leave him alone. Any day, leave him alone. It is pure nonsense trying to bully one's point of view."

Wise words. :-)

Too bad there are some who spoil the peace that happens when people just respect each other and their differences.
Here's a present day example I do not think I have mentioned before. It is very recent. This does "burn" me because it happened to a really sweet person. It has to do with the harm that careless, judgemental remarks can make.
My friend in the WCG has just about had it and will probably move somewhere else soon. He has been a loyal, hard working supporter of the WCG for multiple decades. He did not fully accept the doctrinal changes but stayed and kept his views to himself. He is a quiet mild mannered individual. In order to celebrate the "days" he attended a splinter group but was not a regular attender there.
This year he attended the Feast with that group. Just before he was at WCG services. He had never told anyone he attended a splinter group for Holy Days but another longtime WCG member and "friend" knew somehow.
This "friend" when asking him what he was doing for the Festival actually with a fair amount of sarcasm called him a "Jew". My friend was so disgusted by this attitude that I doubt he will remain long at church.
Prejudice when it is tolerated can poison a group. This "friend" has made general comments like this before at church and I know personally that despite this being done in front of the members and ministers on two occasions it was not corrected or confronted.
I do not think it matters whether it is a Armstrong follower calling someone who celebrates Xmas a "pagan" or a supposedly "transformed" WCGer calling a traditionalist a "Jew", there is no room for either. That is very much against grace and everything a Christian should stand for.
I found this very upsetting. My dear friend is such a loving and kind person ... one of the most gentle souls I ever met. He did not deserve to be used in such a unChristian manner.
---Anne Hannah's thoughtful reply to my statement in a post on Mark Tabladillo's JLF, "Does anybody get tired of arguing about the Sabbath?"
