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Anne Hanna's Report on the slow death of the WCG

You wrote: "I don't follow happenings in WCG much these days."
Not a lot IS happening.
It has lost the zeal of Armstrong's even Tkach Senior's time. That is understandable. The older WCG had BIG plans, huge vision and the excitement of what the future held when the campus sold.
The newer WCG under Dr. Tkach is very small as witnessed by the tiny HQ staff. HQ seems to be more administration and education in the theology of Tkach and company's choice. No big plans and little success. The one shining area is in Africa but as someone who knows church professions in mission ministry that is not uncommon at all. Africa is a MAJOR area for evangelicals who are finding more success than even the Mormons. The Pentecostals are converting them by the thousands.
The campus sold...so what. Tkach has squirreled the profits away and no one ever speaks of it again.
HQ seems to just make up the rules (for others to follow) and provide resources for self running congregations.
You also wrote: "Seems to me they made whatever point they were going to make years ago. Why bother to continue? Aside from providing a golden parachute for Tkach and a few assorted klingons I fail to see what purpose it serves. How long can they continue to run on empty?"
There are many factors to the WCG dying off.
1. There is a dwindling number of young people. Tkach has bemoaned that fact himself at a regional conference when he discussed his aging denomination.
2. Many congregations are so small they have little to offer the children they have. Other churchs offer vibrant programs. I have seen parents leave the WCG just for that practical purpose.
3. Small congregations lack funds and still have to give their 15-20% to HQ.
4. WCG HQ has SERIOUS accountability issues. The pyramid did NOT get turned upside down. The only major change was with the lack of income from losses HQ farmed a lot of the work out to local congregations. A smart move. Let the locals have control of the small stuff. HQ picks their pastor for them to choose from and what policies and rules they follow.
5. Sound doctrine is NOT protected. Judging by the speakers Tkach has selected for regional conferences the WCG may head into new territory. Tkach has more power in this respect than the Pope in Rome. Tkach is the church's single point of failure as he appoints the advisors and review committees.
6. Changes from the dictatorial government style of Herbert Armstrong will be risky. Tkach is not all that popular and there can be and probably is much ill will for past offenses both towards him and the general ministry.
7. Divisive policies like women in the ministry have been settled but the problem comes when it effects local areas. As a WCG friend said it's okay as long as it does not effect us.
8. Tired of the same old sales pitch. The Worldwide News was the most irrationally sunny publication I knew. All sunshine and flowers while the church crumbled. After a while people just tire of the promises and waiting for the church to grow.
and etc.
It's a steep uphill battle for the corporate WCG.
There are a lot of decent God fearing people in the Worldwide Church of God. I personally think they are wasting money and time trying to repair something so broken.
If the main goal is the Gospel then there are better ways for the local congregations to spread it.
A clean break would be free of the history of Herbert Armstrong and free of the consequences of Dr. Tkach's rule.
Dr. Tkach alienated most of the membership. They leave most often with a very sad story and a warning.
It is a warnng my friends and I have mentioned in our churches simply by way of telling the story of our Christian walk.

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