Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Intelligent quote of the day

I've never understood the significance of Halloween and Christmas being "pagan". I grew up in the WCG on Saturday and a different protestant church on Sunday. (Two parents, different beliefs.) I heard all the rhetoric about paganism but all I knew was that Halloween allowed me to dress funny, act goofy, and score some candy. Christmas often meant visits with grandparents and presents and decorating a Christmas tree (although not in my parents' house). I can see no way that God can be unhappy with the spirit of those holidays as we celebrated them.The COG argument to that, I think, is that my thoughts are not God's thoughts. Fair enough. Perhaps he has some (to me, not understandable) reason why I should not participate in those holidays. Does he hold my lack of understanding against me? It's interesting to me that COGers (at least in the past) portray God so much more viciously then he is portrayed in the Bible itself. Where did this come from? Read the Old Testament. For every plague and "kill every one of them" order there are pages of exhortation to justice and mercy, and enormous amounts of grace. As I've said in the past, I really don't think the God portrayed in COG tradition and theology matches the God in the Bible. It's a corrupted picture of God.

"Alan" discussing the XCG's anti-Christmas attitude an philosphy on Gavin Rumney's Ambassador Watch


Monday, November 27, 2006

S.E.P. wasn't like this when I was there

I wish it was like that when I went to Orr nearly 20 years ago in 1987! Watch this courtesy of Youtube.com.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Be very, very scared of the next generation of the religious right

I haven't still seen Jesus Camp yet and when it does come on DVD on January 23rd, 2007 (a day before my 37th birthday), I will definately rent it. I wanted to show you some clips, courtesy Youtube.com from the movie, followed by a commentary by a good ol' boy who likes to comment on Youtube.com and HBO's Real Time's Bill Maher to give his intelligent two cents about it. Again, be afraid, very afraid. Only in America. Sad.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This Man Needs Your Help!!!

This is originally posted in the WCG Alumni message board and Gavin Rumney took the liberty to post the letter to his Ambassador Watch blogsite and I will take the liberty of putting the letter here. Fanatics like Gerald Flurry must know that his tactics will be challenged and fought. Read 'em and weep and DO SOMETHING!
My father has been a member of PCG (Flurry's church) for over 10 years. During that time he has maintained contact with me. Since my mother died almost six years ago I have called my father regularly on a weekly basis even after he remarried four years ago. He is now 80 years old and just before the feast he told me that PCG has threatened to put him out of the church if he does not break off all contact with me. Since he believes that PCG is the true church and he doesn't want to be put out of that church he has stopped taking my phone calls since shortly before the feast. My dad knows this is wrong but he has no way to do anything about it. I am not a member of Flurry's church and I can do something about this. I have started an effort to protest to PCG and Gerald Flurry about this policy by writing them letters and by writing letters to the news media in the Edmond, OK area. One response I've gotten from the religion editor of one of the newspapers is that mine is not the first such letter but that he needs to contact some members or ex-members so he can get first hand information on this situation. If there are any current or any ex-PCG members who are willing to talk about the abusive policies and dictates of Mr. Flurry and his ministers please contact me by e-mail or by phone. My e-mail is horstw@juno.com and my phone number is (919) 242-6273.
Thank you,
Horst Obermeit

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Interesting quote of the day

There have always been gays in Armstrongism and still are to this day in all the splinter cults. I am one of them, gay, out and NOT a part of Armstrongism any more—but still a very active dedicated Christian who is beloved by Jesus Christ. There were countless gays in Ambassador College/University (on all three campuses) in spite of all the hot air from Rod Meredith. There were also numerous gay and lesbians in the ministry/leadership of the church.I know very few who ‘struggled’ with it. The healthy ones recognized that it was not something they chose for themselves, did not need to be fixed and got on with life. The ones that will have to answer for the gay issues in the church are the Rod Meredith’s who blatantly lie about gays just as Haggard did. They made a lifestyle of demonizing gay and lesbians all in the name of their ‘christ’. Haggard is a great example for those fools that make the claim that ‘we chose to be gay.’ If Haggard chose to be gay then he could have stopped it immediately when he knew he was. But he was not able to. He has known his gay feelings since his teen years and says he has ‘always struggled with it.” He was not able to cure something he was born with in spite of all of his years of ‘struggling.’ For all of his super Christian hype over the years as he demonized gays, he now has destroyed his church, his gamily and his life because he could NOT change.He will be abandoned by Falwell, Kennedy, Dobson, Robertson and all the other hypocrites like a hot potato. These religious frauds will show their true colors (just as Armstrongism has done) and cast him out and demonize him. I do feel sorry for him in a way. I know what h e is going through, I did it, but quickly realized that being gay does not define me as a Christian or as a person. Haggard now has a wonderful opportunity to apologize to all the gays and lesbians he has lied about over the years, ask their forgiveness and ask for their help in his life right now. All the Robertson’s, Dobson’s and Meredith’s be damned because the amazing grace of Jesus Christ is a warm embrace of love!

---A gay Christian on Gavin Rumney's Ambassador Watch blog gives his two cents about the recent scandal of "Joe Jr.'s smiling buddy" Ted Haggard, past president of the National Association of Evangelicals

