This Man Needs Your Help!!!
This is originally posted in the WCG Alumni message board and Gavin Rumney took the liberty to post the letter to his Ambassador Watch blogsite and I will take the liberty of putting the letter here. Fanatics like Gerald Flurry must know that his tactics will be challenged and fought. Read 'em and weep and DO SOMETHING!
My father has been a member of PCG (Flurry's church) for over 10 years. During that time he has maintained contact with me. Since my mother died almost six years ago I have called my father regularly on a weekly basis even after he remarried four years ago. He is now 80 years old and just before the feast he told me that PCG has threatened to put him out of the church if he does not break off all contact with me. Since he believes that PCG is the true church and he doesn't want to be put out of that church he has stopped taking my phone calls since shortly before the feast. My dad knows this is wrong but he has no way to do anything about it. I am not a member of Flurry's church and I can do something about this. I have started an effort to protest to PCG and Gerald Flurry about this policy by writing them letters and by writing letters to the news media in the Edmond, OK area. One response I've gotten from the religion editor of one of the newspapers is that mine is not the first such letter but that he needs to contact some members or ex-members so he can get first hand information on this situation. If there are any current or any ex-PCG members who are willing to talk about the abusive policies and dictates of Mr. Flurry and his ministers please contact me by e-mail or by phone. My e-mail is and my phone number is (919) 242-6273.
Thank you,
Horst Obermeit
Hey Felix:
Since Exit and Support Network seem to have a number of people who are ex-flurrians writing in maybe he should have his letter posted there.
Posted by
Mickey |
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Actually, being disfellowshipped would be for the best. An older man -- a church officer -- who had been in the CCg, was disfellowshipped. His wife who had seen the light a long time before knew that the tiny little insignificant cult was really bad for them. When he got sick, Cox, along with the other members still in the church were so self-righteous that they did not even bother with him in his time of trauma. Those outside the CCg prayed for him while those in his own group didn't even bother to call him or write him.
After this man who had been treated terribly by his cultmesiter had been disfellowshipped, he whined and cried for a long time for his loss. He was in pain. I know it makes no sense whatsoever, but people severed from the social order suffer terribly, no matter how sick and dysfunctional the group is.
The good news is that he didn't die. [Even though Cox predicted he would and wanted nothing but death and destruction for the poor man.] He survived. He is actually better off now and his wife is much relieved.
So I say, if it is possible to get whoever disfellowshipped, then it is for the best. Give the ministers of the cult a call. Let them know that your friend and relative is not going to let a cult stand in the way of your relationship and that the person is still having contact with you. Make the cult respond by cruelly, unabashedly sever the relationship for the deceived deluded person with distorted perception. I can guarantee you that this is a very quick trip and the cult is too stupid to realize what has been done to them.
Spread division.
Undermine the cult by tattling on its members to the leadership. Share the violation of the members.
Of course, you don't have to go to the top. Call other members you have known and spread the word. They will all turn on each other and that, as they say, will be the end of that.
Does this work?
It did in the case of the CCg.
That's all I know for sure: From 85 people to fewer than 24 worldwide in one year.
It's worth a try.
Posted by
Douglas Becker |
Friday, November 10, 2006