FYI Again pointed out that I was rather very passionate and extremely dogmatic in my remarks in my other post that Armstrongism was one of the wickedest religions of mankind. Maybe I was a "little" over the top but I do believe that most of the XCG splinters are EVIL and they need to be resisted and fought vigourously at ALL costs but this video I am about to show you from Fred Phelps' anti-gay (and proud of it) church by the name of Westboro Baptist Church has a new video called, "God Hates The World" truly takes the cake! This guy makes Rod Meredith look like the more "moderate" Billy Graham!!! Somebody show this man John 3:16 but probably it doesn't exists in this man's warped mind. Make sure you see the ending of this video and you will definately say to yourself, "Is this child abuse or what???"
If any "fundagelical" (with apologies to Gavin Rumney) wants to complain about videos on MTV, this is one of the sickest music videos,ever. Sad, it had to be religious.
God Hates the World - Watch more free videos
God Hates the World - Watch more free videos
Labels: an angry god, anger and hatred, authoritarianism, religious bullies, the fanatical Fred Phelps, theonomic religions, Westboro Baptist Church
Hey Felix, no hard feelings I hope - you know I'm basically in agreement. It's just that many of the COG's, even those with WCG origins, are more or less harmless and only some of them are what could be described as evil. In fact, even the worst of them (Flurry's PCG for example) are nowhere near as monstrous as radical Islam or the Catholic Church of the Inquisition era.
Keep in mind, I'm not defending them - saying they're not as bad as something else is not much of a defense.
Living in the vicinity of Washington DC, I hear a lot of over the top rhetoric. Politicians just love to compare their foes to Hitler and the NAZI's (for example). But such rhetoric is at best meaningless - I mean, who really believes such comparisons? At worst, such over the top comparisons tend to blur the true evil of Hitler and his regime by associating it with political hot air. People should remember such evil for what it really was, and not as an empty political slogan.
The most effective way to deal with the more poisonous COG's is to simply tell the "Plain Truth" about them in a calm, rational, matter of fact way. The facts speak for themselves most eloquently - especially when they're a matter of public record.
Want to give Gerald Flurry or Dave Pack a black eye? Their words - written and spoken - are on the web. Their own words say more about them than anything you or I might say. It takes time and effort, but if you want to be armed against such men there's no substitute for education. As George Patton is said to have remarked about Rommel, "... you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"
Posted by
FYI Again |
Saturday, July 07, 2007
While it is true that most of the xCGs are somewhat benign appearing, they still do great evil in the name of God and wreck people's lives. It's not as blatant, but there is stalking, fondling, talk from the ministry about homosexual support groups. Beyond that, young children are subjected to psychological abuse through hearing about death, devastation, destruction, all in the name of the Lord -- leaving them with nightmares for a lifetime. So while most xCGs don't outright call for hell fire, they still do significant financial and psychological damage.
Some actually do call for death and are quite evil. One of them, the CCg, actually has a leader who calls for the deaths of Australians and Americans [with Canada being part of North America]. He says that the murderers will be sent forth to kill off people [and he will be doing the sending]. He has taken down websites of his critics. He has committed perjury to his own Australian Government. He called for fasting and prayer among his people for the death and destruction of other Church of God members not of his group. Moreover, he supports not just the Bible but claims that the Koran should be used to understand the whole picture! Not that you'd want to, but you can check out the whole sorry mess at:
An xCoG ministry truly beyond evil. Fortunately a group of us formed the coxcult project and put a significant dint in the ministry so the membership was reduced by 90% -- the top tithe payers -- and the leader can't fly out of Australia much any longer because his financial wings have been clipped.
So, yeah, some of the XXcGXXs are truly evil beyond what you would even begin to imagine.
But as for this cult of gay bashers....
This is a miserable lot of people haters of the ilk of radical Arab extremist Islam who want people to die and be in extreme pain because they don't comprehend the TRUTH that's being preached [nonsense, really]. I note with interest that the highest proportion of the people singing are female which is a rather telling demographic. I wonder what it means. Anyway, these people don't seem to realize that they themselves are destined for hell fire because [as Baptists from the deep South] they eat unclean meats and the don't keep the Saturday Sabbath holy. Assuredly, in the realm of self-righteousness, this counts against them more than if they were a part of the homosexual realm of a lifestyle more rigid than the Hindu.
God hates them.
Posted by
Douglas Becker |
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We are the whirled,
We're feeling dizzy,
We need to grab something,
Before we all fall down.
We are the whirled,
We're feeling dizzy,
Look out,
Here comes the ground!
Posted by
Douglas Becker |
Saturday, July 07, 2007