Sunday, January 22, 2006

New name for WCG

The Worldwide Church of God has finally picked a new name Grace International Communion. As far as I am concerned, whatever the name the organization needs to disband. I still believe it would have been noble for Joseph Tkach Jr. to merge with a long standing denomination like Christian and Missionary Alliance, Foursquare Gospel or whatever but this man wants control and not lose it. This unreasonable madness, I pray will be put to strident firm STOP! I hope to discuss more about this in the coming days.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Does this still bother you?

The question is posed to, of course, the ultra conservative, ultra fundamentalist splinters of the Churches of God mired in Armstrongist thinking. Does the symbol of the cross still bother you, get you irritated or instill anger in you? Read this very thoughtful gentlemen's perspective on this topic at and I pray for a change of heart.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A time of testing for WCG UK

Good friend Anne Hannah gave me permission to republish her article original published on Mark Tabladillo's message board Jesus Loves Fellowship (JLF). I have given

her a lifetime invite to have any article she writes on my blog anytime she feels or chooses. She always has something interesting to say. A very thorough and detailed researcher to say least, Anne knows how to keep the reader focused and stimulated. Enjoy this recent one called WCG UK and Timeline!

WCG UK and Timeline:

(A while ago someone on JLF asked me about the UK. Sorry I was so LATE in following up)

When congregations have been content for many years after the doctrinal changes to maintain certain customs how disruptive and even intrusive is it for someone from a foreign country, but with over-ruling authority, to come and make change for change sake?
This, from someone who has not been successful in other regions of the worldwide denomination over which he also has total authority.
Imagine ten years after the fact. “New” changes? Hardly. There has been plenty of opportunity for other customs to be adopted … why now?
It has been often speculated that one of the reasons has been the inability to sell the campus. Now that it has sold, a “new” change that is years old in other parts of the “Worldwide” Church of God is being imposed on the UK. A church home for the UK members that now changes after decades even generations. Their choices in the matter are no doubt not much different than it was for those in North America. This was previously voiced by a US WCG pastor as ... “like it or not.”
In the UK the changes mercifully are more straight forward compared to the painful bit by bit treatment in North America.
That North American disaster resulted in members drifting away over those years and becoming separated from friends. Will this happen in the UK or will they see that leaving en mass to form their own fellowship may perhaps be a better support system than going it alone?
Here is a rough timeline of some events in the UK in recent times:
Not long prior to 2005 - The Church UK Calendar was wiped of the WCG traditional days and replaced by Orthodox only. This despite the fact that all WCG UK congregations meet on Saturday (save for a monthly London service) and support for the days is evident.
(Note: The Reading UK website still describes itself as “We are a Sabbath-observing congregation, about 30 strong, meeting on Saturday afternoons all year round, although not always in the same location. “ This is significant in that this is the home congregation of the editor of the UK Worldwide News.)
(A review of Worldwide News articles prior to David Silcox’s replacement of John Halford show an abundance of “holy day” articles. Only in the last couple of years have articles begun to appear that start to negatively portray the “days”. An example is below. Even in 2003 the use of both sets of days is mentioned as church policy)
May 2003 - (excerpt from UK WN) “As painful as it was at first, I am, for example, glad that I personally am no longer required to de-leaven my house and eat unleavened bread for a week. I don’t ever remember thinking that this represents Christ putting leaven out of His house and that the unleavened bread that I’m eating depicts Him, the bread of life. I was more concerned with keeping these symbols properly (which I understood was ‘me’ putting sin out of my life) than I was of Christ. I guess I was hanging on to the scaffolding that He was trying to remove, and perhaps even building some of my own. How about you?... He is the reality portrayed by the symbols within all the Holy Days, and what peace of mind that gives me that I no longer serve these symbols, but Christ. Now I can use either ‘our’ traditional Holy Days, or the mainstream ones, to focus entirely on Christ in grateful worship and celebration for all He has done for me.”
Passover 2003 - I am enclosing with this letter three Offering envelopes and ask that you use them for the Offerings that will be taken up on the two Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost. Your Offerings are a very important contribution to the work of the Worldwide Church of God as we strive to bring the good news of the Gospel of peace in Jesus Christ to all the earth. (David Silcox, National Director UK WCG)
(Note: WCG UK offering envelopes were for three days. Absent is any mention of Easter)
Sept 2003 - “… The fact that other Christians ignore the Millennium is no reason for us to copy them. If our fellowship or as individuals, we continue in a belief concerning a Millennium, if that is important to our faith and helps us in our Christian walk with God, there is Scriptural basis for that belief, as we have seen.
Can we then—may we then—be permitted to continue to think of all those Scriptures as referring to the Millennium? Certainly. …(SNIP) Whether or not we as a fellowship are to continue to observe and enjoy the autumn Festival season—and we need to realise that we don’t need to keep days to understand their symbolism, although it may help—Romans 14, etc, gives us as individuals as much right to continue to observe whichever days help us more closely to identify with our God, as it does others to embrace the days of traditional Christianity.” (The Feast and The Millennium by John D. Stettaford, pastor of the Reading congregation and UK WN editor)
(In 2003 the official message is very much along the lines of Romans 14-15 by 2005 the WCG UK officials attend a series of conferences in the USA and the tone is much different)
March 2005 - WCG Official Tony Goudie sent to Pasadena conference: “David Silcox has kindly sent me over to Pasadena this week to attend the first Regional Conference of the year. David and Audrey Stirk are also here, David in his capacity as company secretary … The conference theme is continuing the efforts of the past 3 years and is entitled ‘Church Forward’. ‘Living and Sharing the Gospel’ is of course the heart and core. Dan Rogers had started off the conference with a presentation called ‘’Planning the journey’. Ron Kelly continued after a break with one titled ‘Funding trelevant to the American ministry with their financial model. .. We spent the remainder of the evening in a presentation entitled ‘Discussing the journey’ (which we did) and a colourful hour with Dr Tkach which he called ‘Travelling together’… I would highlight Messrs Tkach, Dick and Feazell for the gracious way they gave so much time to us from the UK. Nothing seemed too much trouble. Their secretaries were outstanding in their attention and care – Debbie Nickel, Barbara Edwards, Nancy Akers and Shirley Faulkner were around to do all they could for us.”
July 2005 - “David and Nancy Silcox came back from Lexington Kentucky today (Thurs June 30th) following the Regional Conference.”
July 2005 - (Notes from July UK WCG ministers meeting in UK Update) “I followed with some housekeeping matters, and a presentation from the LA conference referred to above (which is being given at each site across the States) concerning each church having a youth ministry. ‘But we don’t have any youth in our church’ is a common cry both here and across the pond. … “We used much of the afternoon time reviewing the liturgy in the WCG this year, with emphasis on how things went in the congregations when Maundy Thursday was a month earlier than the WCG’s traditional Lord’s Supper.
Needless to say there were differing views around the table on how it had been handled this year, as well as differing preferences regarding the WCG traditional calendar and the orthodox calendar.
I have to say that despite the varied input, we were amicable!”
(Anne: the law is then laid down about what is the official calendar)
“Ten years have not brought unanimity in all areas of course. But the Church’s position was certain and stated: we have one calendar – the Orthodox – especially in regard to the birth and the resurrection of Jesus. There is no mixed message and no hybrid calendar, either from HQ or on our WCG websites.
For those who have a conscience difficulty with the Church’s new position, this then becomes a pastoral (and not a management) matter. People must to be handled with love and concern and care, but there is to be no going back and no ‘mixed messages’.
I also briefly covered our use of the word ‘Sacred Calendar’ and emphasised that we had misused the word ‘sacred’ in the past. We had always looked to the Jews for our traditional ‘Israelite’ days, but our liturgy in the past was not ‘sacred’ as one would properly use the word. Because we were so thoroughly taught, it was (and is) hard for some to change. "
July 2005 - (In this update it reflects the WCG UK HQ’s opinion and support of Tkach)
“He (David Silcox) has recently returned from Lexington Kentucky, and the penultimate US Regional Conference prior to Florida, so I will let him and our web site tell you more about it.
David said it went very well – about 400 attended so it was the largest so far this year. Dr Tkach had been in South Africa for their conference and arrived naturally quite jet-lagged. That did not stop him taking a number of sessions that David related to me.
Joe is very much loved, admired and cherished amongst the ministry, and his sessions, including appropriate stories to illustrate his points, were as always much appreciated. He seems to have a knack of choosing such material, as well as a never ending such supply.”
SIDE BAR: What was Joseph Tkach’s time in Africa like? What was his message?
“Dr. Tkach questioned strongly why people would want to continue with Old Testament holy day observances seeing that Christ’s sufficient to us.”
(Please note the word “strongly” because Dr. Tkach then went to the UK at the end of July 2005 for the board meeting)

A very smart letter from the Journal

This was an excellent letter written in the Journal. I wish those in the Church of God splinters can thoughtfully reflect upon one of it's brilliant letters the appear from time to time. Mr.Sash feel free to contact me anytime. Kudos to you Sir!!!

I don't care if the sun don't shine
What is the very worst possible thing we could wish on someone? "You can go where the sun don't shine"?
Obviously not. The Churches of God do have a rich tradition of wishing (sometimes with a certain amount of satisfaction) the "third resurrection" on many who have disagreed with a particular group or minister. But the worst thing a COG member can ever say to someone else is to wish him "merry Christmas"!
This year brought a change. I used to support the ACLU in its fight against Christmas. No more. I am against everything the ACLU is for: abortion, secularism, promotion of the gay agenda, women's lib, suppression of Christianity, passivity in response to 9-11, socialized big government, etc. So why should I go along in lockstep with the American Civil Liberties Union on Christmas?
The ACLU and the secular left aren't really against Christmas. They are only against Christianity being in Christmas.
The real war isn't over Christmas per se but over whether Christ is to be allowed in Christmas. Yes, the origins of Christmas are totally pagan, complete with infant sacrifices, pagan orgies, the whole nine yards. It was the winter solstice, Satan's day (or night, as Satan's time is always midnight and the winter solstice is the midnight of "the solar day").
But that's not how Christmas is now celebrated. Let's be honest.
There are positive aspects in Christmas such as the sincere rejoicing in the Western world of the birth of Christ, the ardent desire for peace on earth and goodwill to men, the future conviction that good will triumph and God will bring peace, the attitude of giving and sacrifice, the elevation of the most noble qualities of man of peace, joy, love for fellowman and worship and obedience to God, the triumph of Christianity in Western civilization, the greatest music ever written to praise God and Jesus--the list goes on and on.
Sure, one can look at negative aspects such as overdrinking (as if to say no one has ever overimbibed at the Feast of Tabernacles), the commercialism and the secular trappings. But these things are just that, secular, and most professing Christians deplore them.
COGs retort that Christ wasn't born on Christmas day. So what? Few people in the world are so ignorant to think He was. COGs say Christmas came from paganism along with Easter, Sunday worship, etc., and all from the Catholic Church, the beast.
That's true but only partly true because Christmas isn't celebrated as the pagan day it once was.
Besides, without the Catholic Church there would be no New Testament preserved, no Christianity in Europe, no religious defense against the Muslims, no pilgrims coming to America to seek freedom to worship their Christian God, and we'd all be still worshiping the pagan gods our ancestors venerated 2,000 years ago.
The Jews, in the book of Esther, set aside the 14th of Adar to be a national holiday celebrating their deliverance from Haman. This is Hanukkah today. It wasn't prescribed in God's holy days in Leviticus, but neither is it proscribed in the Bible.
Christ in John 10:22 apparently observed it, and it is recorded positively in Esther.
So what am I saying: that I've decided to keep Christmas?
No, I observe God's holy days. But I'm not going to be self-righteous and hold up my nose and condemn my neighbors who are doing the best they can with the understanding God has given them and sincerely celebrating the birth of the Messiah and the peace and salvation God has brought through Jesus the Christ.
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:10 we have to associate with the world, even though some are sexually immoral, greedy, dishonest or worship false gods (NJB). How much more then should we associate with those who are sincerely keeping Christmas in honor of Christ?
Look at it this way. How would you feel if you were Satan and the day you reserved for yourself for mankind to celebrate is now used by mankind to celebrate the birth of the man who defeated you and will shortly take your kingdom?
Your day has been turned into His day. Your murdering of the firstborn at midnight with all its symbolic meaning in Exodus has been negated by the substitution of the Lamb, Jesus.
You took the Lamb at midnight, as Matthew records. You entered Judas at night, as John made a point of in his gospel. You murdered Jesus by a horrifying crucifixion.
Guess what. Your victory is turned to defeat. God raised Him to eternal life as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to replace your kingdom of darkness.
In a symbolic type or way, you murdered Him at the midnight of the solar year, your holiday. Yet your efforts resulted only in the resurrection or birth of God's Son, Jesus the Christ, as Paul states in Romans 1:3-4.
Thus, in a symbolic way, Christmas is the birth of the Christ.
If I were Satan, I would not be happy with Christmas. I'd be backing the ACLU. For those who sincerely observe it, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
I know, I know. Some of you are wishing I'd go to where the sun don't shine.
John Sash
Eldon, Mo.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New home for Painful Truth

After the shenanigans from religious bullies that who use manipulative means to shut down websites that expose and criticize their perverse agenda, Skeet's Painful Truth website was knocked down but he didn't let it stay down, he got up and continued the fight. He has a new web address at . I think there's an exception to the policy of what is said on the PT message board stays there. My words that were in big bold highlight said something like this:


May this new domain stay there for months, years and decades to come!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Somebody give David Pack the middle finger on the issue of New Years

Okay I lied! I waited 8 days to write something in depth about a narrow minded and silly minded article on David Pack's "masterpiece" articles regarding "Why Christians Don't Celebrate New Year's". Sadly this man does not know (but I think he does not care to know) that the Church of God Seventh Day believed that celebrating New Year's was not as bad as celebrating Christmas. In Pack's mind they are the "Sardis era" and they are a "dead church", so whatever they say has no relevance. I hope anyone who is an ex-ACOGer will meet CG7's current Conference President, Brother Whaid Rose which I did almost six years ago this spring. I will say this in a nutshell, Brother Whaid is truly "The Anti-Armstrong" and most definately "The Anti-Pack". As in my other post where I praise Brother Whaid, I still say to him "Viva la revolucion!" David Pack (or Mr.Pack for me!!!) in his article traces New Year's to those wicked Babylonians and those other heathen Gentiles but forgets that the Jews celebrate the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana) as the New Year, the sping new year on the 1 Nisan was agricultural for the land in ancient Israel. He links debauchery, drunkeness and immorality with New Years and seems to live in this magically dreamland that could never happen on God's Holy Days ---especially the Feast of Tabernacles. Well, my mom had an encounter with an apparently drunken minister (she could smell the alcohal)from his breath) on the street during that time and that minister said an inappropriate comment to say the least. My mom's encounter is by no means an isolated incident. I have read reports of far worse incidents. I have always seen the historic WCG in general as "rigid" and "tight" but I guess they say it always those who were uptight, you gotta look out for! How true, because I seen none of it! The article was just another old hat of parnoid paganphobia which means "if the pagans did it, DAMN IT WE MUST AVOID IT!" Well it seems many legalistic Armstrongites (there are plenty of wackos who are really out in left field and take pride in it!) have no problems wearing wedding bands or putting flowers on dead loved ones but a simple count down to a New Year is pure wickedness. Here is another one, Armstrongites love to childish boast about how pagan the calender is filled with pagan names January after the god of Janus or Monday is the god of the moon but under the Hebrew calendar, there is the month of Tammuz and Tammuz was a pagan god but God seen no problem using that name in his sacred calendar, He just didn't want people worshipping Tammuz. Talk about a simple deal compared to what the Armstrongites would like to bind people with. It seems God can appreciate his creation to be creative and innovative but the Armstrongite desires humankind to be rigid robotic utilitarian automatons. Pity! One can have a God-centered New Year's Eve celebration. I did in 1996-97 at Kipling Baptist Church here in Toronto. I witnessed people getting baptised (which included an enthusiastic young 10 year old kid and we had a Lord' s Supper (which should only be on Nisan 14th and called Passover according to the Armstrongite!) toward 12 a.m. midnight. There was no sexually orgies, no drinking and driving but just good, godly, clean fun but to an Armstrongite, like David Pack, that can not compute. I thank God for designing a middle finger and I, for one, salute David Pack with it for his continual rants and furthering plain ignorant fundamentalist dogma. For everybody else, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may everyone's hopes, dreams and plans fulfilled.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Any looney stuff, I will comment about it!!!

For the record let me say, I have a life. Here is the great big but: without Ambassador Watch, those ex-WCG or ex-XCG guys like us have a great responsibility to watch out for any stuff that is looney from any of the splinter groups. Today I have bookmarked the the United Church of God, the Living Church of God, the Philadelphia Church of God and even madman David Pack's Restored Church of God. Actually, my site is called Post-Worldwide Church of God Life and Theology and trust me I am enjoying recapturing my sanity which was non existent in the WCG. I just want to do some updates of the splinters when they have the most "looney" or "fanatical" article I find I have little patience. There might be an article that might perverts, distorts or confuse the essentials of historic Christian faith that I feel that needs to be addressed. I do not want to dwell too much on the splinters meaning I do not want them to be the sole focus of this website. I enjoy putting my favourite fitness models as "Babes of the Month" on my alternate blog THE WAY I SEE IT on than be obsessed about Rod Meredith. Again, they say anything crazy, I will rant about it and rant it good. These guys need some form a pain in the butt to make these pyramid-scheming fanatics uncomfortable.

One more alternative to AW

I should have mentioned this man in my previous post but I forgot. He has been mentioned here before but I think it is worth a second time repeating. Harlan Simantel, was a WCG member in the decade of the 1970's (1974 to 79 to be exact) and was politely kicked out by his then-pastor, the late Dean Wilson for believing that there was "other Christians in other churches". Harlan is what I would call a liberal evangelical because most his causes and beliefs are left of centre but as a centrist-conservative post-evangelical, I think his stuff is still worthwhile and makes you think. He has told me repeatedly not everyone is kind to his alternative viewpoints and actually there is some opinions that he has that I divert from. If you are tired of the social Darwinist libertarian and puritannical fantasies espoused from the religious right, this website is for you. His website is called The Lord is Near at . Enjoy!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Yep. AW no more but there is alternatives

First and foremost, Happy New Year to all!!!
Gavin Rumney has confirmed on the Painful Truth message board that Ambassdor Watch is no more and more importantly, that it was his own decision not some fanatic from the splinters who is threatening legal action. As Gavin said that the project was becoming time consuming and he wants to smell the roses so to say. I am still mad that it was a complete shut down of the site and I believe he could have saved it for people who wanted to reference and research various topic issues on the WCG and the splinters during the decade of the 00's.
What's done is done and as I have said to Gavin, "Good night and good luck." Thankfully, he has confirmed that we will not have seen the last of him but we will see him in very small doses. Gavin, if you are out there, you are more than welcome to comment on my blog or even yet, if you have an article or essay that you feel that should be published on the internet, do not hesitate for a moment in approaching me. I would love to publish it on this blog ANYTIME!
Who is out there to make the Worldwide Church of God and her splinters accountable?
Well for starters the Painful Truth website still remains. Mainly run by agnostics, atheists and deists (and trust me they don't bite, except if you are a rabid fundamentalist), it is a pretty good source of reference and research. The website is at .
I think Gary Scott in due time be the heir of Gavin Rumney in the sense of keeping us up-to-date on all the splinters through blog commentary. As an atheist, he has an eclectic mix of people to support him with their own views. They include Jared Oled, who is now a practicing Roman Catholic (who is definately in the school of Pope Benedict VI), Dennis Diehl an ex-WCG minister who leans toward somewhat to New Age/Eastern religion, Kenneth G. Turner an Armstrongist refusnik who suffered enough in David Pack's cult and who is speaking out, ex-WCG member Kathleen Kakacek, Doug Ward who's interested in the Hebrew roots movement and myself, Felix Taylor who is emerging to be a post-evangelical Christian (but by no means beyond the gospel message). It's called XCG and we are at .
I used to frequent The Journal by in my religious journey, I have progressed and evolved in my theological views, so my interest in them have waned. Some might like it because it discusses issues in the splinters through the eyes of the ministers and members of the splinters themselves. You can go there at .
A young lady who grew up in the historic WCG tells her experiences at Legacy of the Worldwide Church of God at . It is a good site, I hope she updates it very soon and I think she needs all the support in the world to make her site a successful one. I believe this site has potential!
Or you might like to hear my commentaries on my religious experience with God after my 27 year long association with the Worldwide Church of God. As I have mentioned that I have been emerging to become a post-evangelical Christian and I had discovered this trend in myself for about a year and a half. There is a comparison of Evangelical, Post-Evangelical and Post Christian on this site and most of my positions have leaned to the post-evangelical camp. I, also like Doug Ward share a keen interest in the Hebraic heritage of the Christian faith and I will give my 2 cents about my impatience and contempt with fundamentalist religion whether it is from the cults like Armstrongism or orthodox Christianity (e.g. Jerry Fallwell or Pat Robertson). I am hoping I can diligently co-ordinate my time and effort to write a little more articles for XCG and here. I wish all will be properly informed and become better thinkers for 2006! Enjoy your surfing!
